Tesouro dos Atenienses
Tholos de Delfos
Ruínas de Delphi e vistas do Monte Parnassos
O antigo teatro e o Templo de Apolo
Tesouro dos Atenienses
Tholos de Delfos
- 5.0Worth itI always wanted to visit the oracle of Delphi and be very satisfied. thank you very much freckleIt was a pleasure organizing your trip together!
- 4.0Bem, interessante.Bom. Faneri, o guia, foi muito simpático e explicou muito bem. O passeio de um dia é muito curto, o tempo do ônibus poderia ser bastante otimizado e o tempo para pegar e conhecer outros grupos.Existem opções de passeios de mais de 1 dia para ver Delfos e outros sítios arqueológicos que valem a pena visitar. Ficamos felizes em saber que embora o tempo fosse limitado, você pôde aproveitar a excursão. Obrigado por nos escolher! Até o próximo destino!
- 5.0Maravilhosa excursão a DelfosFoi uma excursão linda e inesquecível a Delfos. Stella é uma excelente guia com muito conhecimento e torna a viagem muito agradável. Eu diria um mas às inúmeras mudanças de ônibus na retirada porque elas fazem você acordar cedo para estar pronto às 8 e não começamos a viagem real antes das 9Obrigado pela sua avaliação. Ficamos felizes em saber que a excursão a Delfos foi inesquecível. Sem dúvida, Delfos é um lugar único, cheio de história e mitologia, e é um verdadeiro privilégio poder visitá-lo. Lamentamos o transtorno com as mudanças de ônibus e levaremos seu comentário em consideração para melhorar a experiência no futuro. Obrigado por nos escolher! Estamos ansiosos para fazer parte de experiências mais memoráveis para você.
- 5.0DelfosExcelente trabalho da guia Estela. Ele se esforçou para dar um toque pessoal à excursão, tornando-a muito interessante com suas constantes explicações e anedotas. Contando também sua visão sobre os “bastidores” da história. Muito gentil! Excelente guia em uma excursão muito agradável.Muito obrigado pela sua avaliação muito positiva! Ficamos felizes em saber que Estela tornou sua excursão uma experiência tão enriquecedora. Obrigado por nos escolher! Até o próximo destino!
- 5.0Excursão perfeita para DelphiA excursão foi muito bem organizada, com timing perfeito para tudo. O guia explicou tudo de uma forma muito agradável e fácil de acompanhar. Por fim, a comida estava muito deliciosa, é aconselhável optar pela opção de refeição. A única coisa a mudar seria a parada em Arajová.Obrigado pela sua avaliação! Ficamos felizes em saber que gostou da organização, do guia e da comida. Levaremos em consideração sua sugestão sobre a parada em Arajová para melhorar ainda mais. Obrigado por nos escolher! Até o próximo destino!
- 5.0Muito interessanteMuito bem organizado, um excelente guia. A única coisa é que no site devem indicar que a retirada do hotel é apenas em Atenas. Estávamos no Pireu e tínhamos expectativas de recolhimento por lá, foi a nossa vez de insistir nos esclarecimentos.Ficamos felizes em saber que você achou o passeio muito bem organizado e que o guia foi excelente. Pedimos desculpas por qualquer inconveniente causado por confusão em relação à retirada do hotel. Obrigado por nos escolher! Até o próximo destino!
- 5.0Guia turístico incrível (Delphi)Maria foi absolutamente maravilhosa, experiente e extremamente amigável, com um vasto conhecimento da área. Nós atualizamos para incluir o almoço que estava delicioso e a equipe simpática e cortês. Eu recomendo fortemente este guia turístico, que não era seu passeio habitual, ela estava entrando. Obrigado novamente!Obrigado pelo seu feedback maravilhoso! Estamos muito satisfeitos em saber que Maria causou um impacto tão positivo e que você gostou do almoço e do serviço. Obrigado por nos escolher! Até o próximo destino!
- 4.0Um tanto decepcionado.Guia muito bom, preparado. O passeio não falava em fazer o mesmo percurso dos peregrinos, mas teria sido interessante visitar o outro templo. Ele falou sobre passar por uma cidade, entendeu como visitá-la, houve uma parada porque alguém pediu e ele só foi a um negócio. Descanse bem.
- 5.0Delphi com um guia incrívelFizemos a excursão a Delfos e queremos destacar o trabalho que a guia fez (não lembro o nome), ela nos explicou muitas coisas e nos contou história real e mitológica ao longo do caminho. Mesmo que tenha demorado muitas horas, não foi difícil ouvi-lo.Ficamos felizes em saber que você gostou do guia e de sua excursão a Delfos. Obrigado por nos escolher! Até o próximo destino!
- 5.0Nós amamos istoPasseio muito emocionante, bem explicado em espanhol, o roteiro planejado foi cumprido e a comida estava deliciosa
- 5.0Viagem a DelfosO guia foi ótimo, experiência altamente recomendada
- 4.0Excursão a DelfosFazemos a viagem de um dia de Atenas a Delfos. Eles oferecem vários pontos de embarque, a viagem dura cerca de 3 horas, mas o guia torna a viagem agradável fornecendo informações de interesse. Você não visita a cidade de Delfos nem para em lojas de souvenirs. O passeio é curto, mas completo.Muito obrigado pelo seu feedback. Ficamos satisfeitos em saber que o passeio atendeu às suas expectativas. Até o próximo destino!
- 5.0Excursão recomendadaEles nos pegaram na hora certa. O guia nos explicou Delphi muito bem. Comemos rápido e bem e mesmo que o ônibus tenha quebrado no meio da excursão, eles resolveram o problema rapidamente. Não foi um problema.Muito obrigado por compartilhar sua experiência conosco. É um prazer saber que você gostou do passeio apesar do contratempo com o ônibus.
- 3.0relativoComo era um dia de chuva torrencial e já estava previsto, teria preferido que antecipassem a excursão para quinta ou quarta-feira. Excelente guia e motorista.
- 5.0Explicação muito boaExcelente guia. O passeio para Delphi foi muito bem organizado.Estamos entusiasmados por você ter tido uma experiência tão positiva. Obrigado por compartilhar sua jornada conosco.
- 5.0Muito interessanteO guia Gogo sabe muito, mas às vezes é um pouco monótono ao falar e chato.Obrigado por compartilhar sua experiência. Esperamos fazer parte da sua próxima viagem.
- 5.0Muito bemMuito bom tudoEstamos felizes que você tenha gostado do passeio por Delphi. Obrigado por compartilhar sua avaliação.
- 5.0Guia muito bomGogo foi um guia muito bom, gostamos muitoMuito obrigado! Estamos felizes que você tenha gostado do passeio.
- 5.0Passeio DelfosBoa experiência, lugar lindo, excelente guia turístico.Obrigado por seus comentários! Temos o prazer de saber que você teve uma experiência gratificante no passeio.
- 5.0Uma excursão fantásticaExcursão agradável, divertida e acima de tudo muito cultural, aprendi muito com as explicações da guia, ela parecia comprometida com seu trabalho e tinha muito conhecimento do assunto. Gostei e é altamente recomendado. Para dar um mas, a paragem no restaurante do pequeno-almoço, simpático mas caro (2 cafés 7€).Obrigado por compartilhar sua opinião! É ótimo saber que você desfrutou de uma excursão agradável e que o guia se comprometeu a proporcionar uma experiência cultural. Agradecemos sua recomendação. Esperamos atendê-lo novamente em experiências futuras!
- 5.0Delfos de Atenas2ª experiência com Greca, tão boa quanto a anterior :) Boa organização e pessoas adoráveis. Gostaria de destacar a Stella, uma verdadeira profissional com uma formação impressionante que tornou tudo (desde a viagem, onde te explicou coisas muito interessantes, até à excursão) super agradável e fascinante.Mais uma vez, obrigado por comentar sobre sua experiência positiva! Esperamos vê-lo novamente!
- 5.010/10 em ambas as excursõesMinha garota e eu fomos com Greca ver Epidauro, Micenas e Delfos, e foi tudo muito bom. A guia (Estela) é excepcionalmente boa e o motorista (Stratos) também fez um ótimo trabalho ao volante. O almoço em ambas as excursões foi de qualidade e o tempo em cada local foi adequado.Obrigado pela sua excelente avaliação! Ficamos felizes em saber que você gostou da excursão a Epidauro, Micenas e Delfos com Estela como guia e Stratos como motorista. Nós nos esforçamos para oferecer experiências de qualidade em todos os aspectos, desde o guia até a comida e o tempo gasto em cada local. Esperamos ter a oportunidade de atendê-lo em futuras aventuras!
- 5.0ENCANTADOSSuper bem. Fizemos todas as excursões com eles e os guias foram ótimos. Eles sabem muito e tornam tudo super divertido. Eu recomendo tomar sem comidaEstamos felizes que você tenha gostado da excursão a Delfos. Obrigado por nos escolher! Até o próximo destino!
- 4.0Bom passeio, mas e o espanhol?É um passeio bacana, você segue pela estrada junto ao mar. O guia conta a história do lugar para onde vamos, mas tudo em inglês. Não deveria ser um tour em espanhol? Apenas o guia de áudio estava em espanhol e o guia de áudio era muito curto. Pare de me mandar mensagens para fazer a revisão, isso é chatoFicamos felizes que você tenha tido uma experiência satisfatória no passeio.
- 4.0Lugar interessante para visitarFiquei interessado em conhecer o Delphi, superou minhas expectativas.É ótimo saber que você gostou do tour Delphi. Estamos ansiosos para fazer parte de experiências mais memoráveis para você.
- 5.0Uma excelente excursãoTudo estava muito bem organizado e o guia que nos foi designado foi muito simpático. e didáticoEstamos satisfeitos que você tenha gostado do tour Delphi. Estamos ansiosos para fazer parte de experiências mais memoráveis para você.
- 5.0Guia turístico maravilhosoNosso guia turístico foi maravilhoso e fez um excelente trabalho ao explicar as atrações e a história ao seu redor.Estamos felizes que você tenha gostado da viagem a Delphi. Até o próximo destino!
- 4.0Excusrion to DelphiAs a company "the organization is very good But we had a guide who did not give us a good impression Lack of empathy ""bad manners" he "suggested" us not to go up to the stadium because it was late We traveled 13,000 kilometers to see. I suggest you review this issue or countryMuito obrigado para sua revisão! Foi um prazer para nós organizar a sua viagem! Analisaremos o comentário do seu guia com o restante da equipe.
- 4.0Excellent Star GuideThe excursion was very good and the guide was excellent and open to answering any questions. I recommend it! We only would have liked to have had a little more free time to explore the museum. The restaurant food is very good!!We are glad that you enjoyed the Delphi tour. Until the next destination!
- 5.0Trip to DelphiGood management and attention during the excursion.We are glad to know that you had a good time on the tour to Delphi. Until the next destination!
- 5.0An essential visitAlthough it takes time to get there, it becomes an essential visit due to its archaeological value.We are glad that you had a good experience on the tour to Delphi. Thank you for choosing us
- 5.0Delphi 1 day tourGreat tour, organized, tour guide Ms Ephi was polite, kind and knowledgeable, can't ask for more, would definitely book more tours with them!We are glad to know that you had a good time on the tour to Delphi. Thank you for choosing us! We look forward to being a part of more memorable experiences for you.
- 5.0one day delphi tourvery comfortable journeynon the mini bus. tour guide was excellent. covered both museum and oracle.I'm glad you enjoyed the tour of Delphi. Thank you for choosing us! Until the next destination!
- 5.0Very good excursion, excellentExcellent guide, educated and who had prepared everything very well. He spoke excellent Spanish.We are pleased that you enjoyed the tour. Thank you for choosing us!
- 5.0Delphi Day tripThe trip to Delphi was great. The bus ride was smooth to the site and our tour guide was very knowledgeable. It was very hot so recommend to take lots of water with you. The climb to the stadium is a good 20 mins.We are glad that you enjoyed your trip to Delphi. Thanks for sharing your review.
- 5.0ancient greece delphiThe tour to Delphi involves a very ancient atmosphere with primitive civilizations. The guide was exceptional in knowledge and promptness in carrying out the Tour. I would return and recommend this tour to anyone who wants to know details of the first Greek communitiesWe are glad that you enjoyed the excursion to Delphi. Until the next destination!
- 5.0Athens to DelphiAttempted to send previously. This was an excellent trip. I am still waiting for a resolution from Greca regarding our missed event to the Acropolis in AthensWe are glad you enjoyed the trip. The refund for the missed excursion was processed on July 7th. Thank you for choosing us!
- 5.0Dephia TourVery well organized and it was worth every euro.Thank you for your comments! We are glad to know that you enjoyed our tour and that you consider that it was worth every euro invested. We appreciate your trust and hope to see you again in future experiences.
- 5.0Excellent organization.A kind and friendly guide who made the excursions very enjoyable and educational.Thank you for choosing us! We are pleased to know that you have enjoyed our service.
- 3.0good but shortThe excursion in general was good, however, for so many hours by bus it was too short both in Delphi and after the time to eat. In addition, you do not visit the town, you simply pass by and, at most, they stop you at a store to buy.Thanks for sharing your experience. We will take your comments into account to improve our service. Until the next destination!
- 5.0Great!!!All excellent, the guide an open book! Everything very well organized. I will hire them again on a future trip. GreetingsThank you so much!
- 4.0Very goodThe guide was clear, entertaining and told us references not only to Delphi but to other aspects of Greece, its culture and also mythology.Thanks for your review! We are glad you enjoyed the tour.
- 3.0Interesting but could be improvedAll the passengers were very cold on the bus, despite commenting on it on several occasions, The correct guide without further ado. It doesn't excite you. The food quite good Delphi we liked
- 5.0Excellent attention!I would like to congratulate Anastasia and our guide in meteora on Saturday June 3rd. They provided us with a lot of information about the history. Very generous with their knowledge! Thank you so much
- 4.0A point to knowIt is a place that if there is time it is nice to visit, the excursion is good, the Guide that we had knew a lot of history, we booked a day in advance, we had a change of pick-up point and excursion information but they solved it immediately
- 5.0Fantastic GroupI did a full day tour of Delphi. It was truly amazing. The knowledge of the tour guide was fantastic. She was funny at the right times. I never grew tired of learning about the ruins. I totally recommend doing this tour. Just wear comfortable shoes!!!Que bom que você gostou tanto do passeio.
- 4.0The guide is very professionalBeautiful place and very well guided, with very good organization. Punctual and attending to all the requirements of the passengers
- 5.0Nice guided tour of DelphiGood guided tour with food. I miss stopping at the lower ruins
- 5.0good excursionsI did the delphi day tour and the meteora tour, both very well organized. In meteora you are about 4 hours, although it is certainly worth the beating by train.Thanks for sharing your experience! We are glad you enjoyed your excursion. Until the next destination!
- 3.0DisappointmentWe expected that Delphi would be more interesting, it is a long way to see the remaining ruins, the guide was very good and everything was very organized, the landscape of Rl Parnaso was the bestThanks for sharing your experience! We are pleased to know that both the guide and the organization have been very good. Until the next destination!
- 5.0A day trip to DelphiA really good day trip, the bus journey is long but offers a beautiful view up the mountains. The tour guide was really informative and helped keep things interesting along the way, and Delphi is beautiful. It is well worth your time if you’re looking to get out of Athens for a day.Thank you very much for your comments. We are glad you had such a positive experience!
- 5.0Good service, and friendly treatment.Very good quality price. They make excursions and your stay in Greece much easier. I will book more trips with GrecaThank you very much for your review! Until the next destination!
- 5.0Estela, fantastic guide.The experience is highly recommended, and Estela, the guide, professional and very funny, a 10Thank you very much for your kind words! Until the next destination!
- 5.0Excellent experienceThe truth is that an excellent service is recommended, we highlight the punctuality, the comfort of the bus, but above all the excellent quality of our guide in Spanish Stella with excellent command of the language and knowledge, apart from that we also highlight that she was always attentive to our questions.We are glad that you enjoyed it. Thank you for choosing us!
- 5.0Great trip to Ancient GreeceThe excursion was very good. The guide is very nice and well informed.Thank you very much for your review!
- 5.0excellent excursionWe really liked this tour. Delphi is awesome. The organization is very good and the guide Giorgia, the best of all the excursions we did with Greca. He explained everything to us with passion and it was contagious to you. The place where we ate was very good.Gracias! Nos alegra que su experiencia haya sido tan positiva
- 5.0Very good experienceOur guide Elena was an example. Very good explanations, very good organization, very good distribution of time and great knowledge of the Delphi temple. The excursion is very beautiful, both the temple and the town. Totally recommended.Thank you very much for traveling with us!
- 5.0Terrific tour!On time, professional services! Tour exactly as promised and was excellent! Guide very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about sharing information and the sights! Overall, highly recommend and would travel with Greca again!Thank you very much for your lovely review Lindsay ! We are delighted you had a good time with our service! We are particularly happy to read that your trip was excellent. I look forward to sharing your kind comments with the entire team. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! We hope to welcome you back soon to create another memorable experience for you. Thank you for choosing us. Until next destination!
- 4.0VERY satisfactorythe amazing guideDear Raquel, Good morning from Athens! Thank you very much for taking the time to write to us. We are glad you had such a positive experience. We are excited to be part of building unforgettable moments. Until the next destination! Thank you for choosing us!
- 4.0Delphi from AthensGenerally good; I would rate it as 7/10. The level of discomfort at the site is considerable, and the trip should be advertised for very healthy individuals only. The provided lunch was also only fair in quality. All other aspects were first-class.Thank you very much for your review and for helping us improve. Until the next trip!
- 5.0Excellent tour to DelphiThe Delphi tour is excellent. We leave early in the morning. Then we made a technical stop at a beautiful site. We continue to Delphi and its museum. The guide Estela has a lot of knowledge and gave us a lot of information. Very kind and pleasant. Lunch was very good. A very interesting tour.Thank you very much for your review Silvia! We were delighted to read that your tour was excellent. We are especially glad that you found it very interesting. We are excited to share your kind comments with the entire Greca team! Thank you for choosing us! Until the next trip!
- 1.0Turkey THE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHT.Istanbul I could not see the KOUKI palace, nor Sta Sofia. The hotel in a non-tourist place DURMAZ HOTEL. Nobody waited for me at the Spanish-speaking airport, therefore I did not know anything. They did not fulfill the contract and changed the order and excursions . The guide of the interior of Turkey little information.
- 4.0Good experienceI had already been a few years ago. The guide was very attentive, he gave us the appropriate explanations at all times and in each place we visited. Then he took us to a pretty good restaurant. I recommend this excursion.Thank you very much!
- 5.0Very good experienceVery well organized tour. The very professional guide explained everything wonderfully. The place is beautiful, a must visit. The restaurant where we ate very nice with good food I would repeat without hesitation.Thank you for choosing us! Until the next trip!
- 4.0Consider adjustments to excursionThe guide was very friendly and shared information about Delphi and the Greek culture. This excursion does not include a visit to the sanctuary of Athena and there is no way to visit on your own as Greca suggests in the tips. Arachova could be the point for lunch or shopping or walking.Thanks for your review. Until the next destination!
- 5.0excellent guideVery nice excursion, to learn more about Greece. outside of Athens. We had an excellent guide, his stories and wonderful explanations.Thank you very much for choosing us!
- 4.0good excursionThe guide was very good, very organized, the information very complete. You don't visit the tholos, you see the temple and the museum.Thank you for choosing us! Until the next adventure!
- 5.0Excellent walk, interestingVery nice and interesting ride! Very well organized and explained. Stella made the tour entertaining by telling classic stories and anecdotes from the time. Lunch was perfect and the bus was comfortable! 100% recommended. It would cut down on the stop time for morning coffee.We are glad that you enjoyed your trip. Thanks for your comments!
- 5.0fantasticOur guide, Estela, was a delight. He explained everything with pleasure and narrated myths and tales with talent. She was very attentive and the excursion was unbeatable. I recommend 100%.Thank you very much!
- 5.0Delphi and AcropolisThe first excursion to Delphi was really special, because of its landscapes, stories, the Greek-Japanese guide explained their ways of life. At the Acropolis we enjoyed Magdalena, who, much more technical in her explanations, showed us how great and important the Acropolis is with great dedication.Thank you very much for choosing us!
- 5.0unbeatable guidefantastic experience thanks to the guide (I don't remember his name, with a Japanese mother) the best guide I've ever had: very kind, patient, cultured, funny. her way of telling stories was charming, it made you transport yourself to that time, it was a pleasure to listen to her and with an impeccable command of SpanishThank you very much!
- 4.0Uma excursão necessáriaVale destacar especialmente o papel do guia, muito treinado e atento em tudo. Demorou mais 10 minutos para terminar de apreciar o museu.
- 5.0Artemis and her predictions!!Excellent narration and explanation of the history by the guide. We learned a lot. The told archeology made us revive and go back in time. Spectacular museum!Thanks for your review!
- 4.0Good!Punctual and the tour was made according to the itinerary. Super friendly guides and drivers.Thanks a lot!
- 5.0Delphi Tour ReviewAmazing trip, well organised. Tour guide is explained the details very well. Overall worth for moneyMany thanks!
- 4.0EXCURSION A DELFOSFantastic guide. The short and quick museum visitThank you for choosing us. Until the next destination!
- 5.0CoolOur guide Estela was wonderful and very professional.Thanks a lot!
- 4.0Good visit DelphiThe excursion well. The guide Gogo and the driver Kostas very well. The only thing I would add is that you could also visit the Tolos, since there is plenty of time because in the end you arrive 1 hour before schedule in Athens. I would still recommend this excursion.Thanks for your review. It was a pleasure to receive you!
- 5.0Excellent visit to DelphiWell organized tour with plenty of free time to take photos and tour the archaeological site. Anastasia, the guide, an excellent professional with adequate explanations of both the place and the museum and always attentive. Correct and abundant food.Thank you very much for your comments! Until the next destination!
- 5.0EXCURSION A DELFOSIt is worth doing the excursion even if it is a whole day. Helena gave us a master class on Greek history which has been very helpful in understanding the rest and making sense of the rest of the visit to Athenas.Estamos muito satisfeitos que você tenha tido uma experiência memorável no passeio.
- 5.0EXCELLENT EXCURSIONThe excursion to Delphi was wonderful. The guide Vasily, excellent, with great knowledge of the topics, very friendly. I forgot my mobile phone in the minivan and had the detail of taking it to the hotel at night.Ficamos felizes que você tenha tido uma boa experiência no passeio.
- 4.0Day Trip to DelphiSoultana demonstrated that she was a very experienced and engaging guide. It is not easy to maintain a fervor during an entire day, but Soultana continued to display interest throughout. The one deficit she faced was not of her doing. We only had four participants which reduced our vibrancy.
- 5.0Excellent!A very interesting tour especially the well prepared guide!
- 5.0Delphi is wonderfulWe had a great time on the excursion to Delphi
- 5.0EXCELLENT:DThank you so much!
- 5.0a dream come trueI always wanted to go to the Oracle of Delphi and this excursion was refinedWe are glad to have been part of such a great experience! Thank you for choosing us
- 5.0Unforgettable DelphiAn amazing place and the very good guideThank you for choosing us. Until the next destination!
- 5.0EntertainingFull and entertaining excursion. Very didactic Thank you.Thank you very much for choosing us!
- 4.0Wonderful trip to DelphiFull marks to Effie, our tour leader whose knowledge of Greek history is unbelievable. The trip was perfectly executed by Greca Travels,righ from hotel pick up and drop , WiFi in the bus and stopovers at very scenic locations. Delphi itself is full of intrigue and positive vibes from a glorious past
- 5.0The tour was super super good!Our guide was spectacular! He knew a lot and makes it very entertaining. I have already recommended them :)! I would repeat the tour! Keep in that way. Regards, Leslie
- 5.0Excellent.The excursion to Delphi was met with absolutely everything agreed. Outstanding attention to the traveler, correction and kindness, the place chosen for lunch is a fliar environment and with a varied typical gastronomic proposal. Highly recommended.
- 4.0Excursion to DelphiThe excursion to Delphi is worth it. Wonderful. Estella is an excellent guide, very cultured, and all her explanations are pleasant and instructive. Coffee stops and lunch in very nice places.
- 4.0Excellent excursionVery interesting and complete the excursion to Delphi. Maybe it would be nice to have a little more time there and in the Museum. The food and restaurant very good. Absolutely recommended.
- 5.0Very good!I comply with all our expectations and more. Excellent choice! Thank you!
- 5.0Excellent guideOur guide Stella was excellent, extensive knowledge of the subject and made us feel comfortable and well cared for at all times. I definitely recommend it very much.
- 5.0Good excursionThe Estela guide very friendly and explained everything in great detail
- 5.0My experience with GrecaPerfect organization Exquisite treatment
- 5.0ExcellentAll very beautiful and good. We liked it a lot
- 5.0Very professional experienceOur trip to Delphi, with a guide in Spanish, was fantastic: punctuality, kindness, ... Very comfortable buses, very friendly and expert guide. We recommend this experience!
- 5.0Journey to the navel of the worldTotally positive, with an efficient guide that made us a very interesting tour.
- 5.0DelphiThis tour was excellent not only for the place but for the Grakciela guide we had ..... we all applaud it! Lunch and those local people IMPECCABLE!
- 5.0SatisfactoryThank you very much, Mrs. Magdalena excellent guide. I liked the efficiency with which they acted with the additional group that requested, comfortable transportation. very well
- 5.0Fantastic excursionExcursion highly recommended. The collection was timely. Our aunt, Gogo, explained everything in detail, very attentive. The views and the place one pass.
- 5.0Good organizationI did the tour with two friends and we liked them all three. The organization is very good, the time spent on the excursion is adequate and the guide really knows that I knew a lot and explained many things to us both on the way and in the place. I recommend it.
- 5.0very wellIn general it was very good. It was nice to be accompanied by a professional group like you that day.Thanks for your comments. Until the next destination!
- 5.0All very prettyVery nice guide.Thank you!
- 5.0VERY RECOMMENDEDThe tour was phenomenal. Review that the guide, Zoé, has been the best we have found in the many excursions we have done throughout Europe and the rest, and there have been many. Personally without Zoé's enthusiasm and knowledge, I don't think it would have been the same. Chapeau
- 4.0An entertaining excursion.The very professional guide, the whole journey commenting on history and some anecdotes from Greece. Choose the menu option, the food was very good. A little chaos when arriving in Athens, a lot of traffic, they left us somewhat removed from the hotel, but the subway there is easy to use.
- 5.0DelphiAn excursion that you should not miss, padrisima
- 4.0Excelente tourI really liked the places visited, as well as the Tourist Guide turned out to be very pleasant and their explanations and knowledge of the area
- 5.0The experience was excellent.Hi, The experience was excellent. The guide very friendly and knowledgeable about the subject. Transportation and lunch, everything was excellent. Highly recommended!
- 5.0Beautiful excursionThe oracle is a fascinating place, another important point to better understand ancient Greece. The explanations of the guide were of quality. The lunch is great. I want to make a more leisurely tour of the museum. The gentleman who picked us up first from the hotel, was not at all friendly.
- 5.0ExcellentVery good experience, punctual, friendly and everything well explained Highly recommended
- 5.0Dreamed ofdivine place, the excellent guide! highly recommended
- 5.0GreatGreat site and excursion. Very well organized, very professional
- 4.0Very good experienceExcellent the work of the guide.Thank you!
- 5.0I can not recommend itThe excursion to Delphi was excellent and the guide Elena the same. Very entertaining, very good knowledge of the subject and very didactic. I can not recommend itThanks for your comments. Until the next destination!
- 4.0Linda excursion a DelfosEverything was very good, excellent bus, pick-up at the hotel, guide, lunch, we had a fantastic time. Beautiful Delphi, from included the trip. Also the museum.We are glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for your comments!
- 3.0Very instructiveThe excursion to Delphi is highly recommended. The archaeological site transports to the classic Greece when the gods were manifested through the fortune teller. As for the tour itself: good transport and excellent guide.Thank you very much!
- 5.0Worth itI always wanted to visit the oracle of Delphi and be very satisfied. thank you very much freckleIt was a pleasure organizing your trip together!
- 4.0Bem, interessante.Bom. Faneri, o guia, foi muito simpático e explicou muito bem. O passeio de um dia é muito curto, o tempo do ônibus poderia ser bastante otimizado e o tempo para pegar e conhecer outros grupos.Existem opções de passeios de mais de 1 dia para ver Delfos e outros sítios arqueológicos que valem a pena visitar. Ficamos felizes em saber que embora o tempo fosse limitado, você pôde aproveitar a excursão. Obrigado por nos escolher! Até o próximo destino!
Saídas garantidas todas as segundas, quartas e sextas-feiras de abril a outubro; ou apenas às sextas-feiras de novembro a março. Saídas diárias em inglês aqui.
Reserve agora com a Agencia #1 na Grécia por e para viajantes!
Incluído nesta Excursão
- Recolha e regresso no hotel.
- Visita de dia inteiro a Delfos.
- Guia turístico oficial de língua espanhola.
- Bilhetes de entrada no sítio arqueológico e museu de Delfos.
- Transporte em ônibus de luxo com Wi-Fi.
- Desconto de 10% para grupos com mais de 10 viajantes
- Gorjetas ou despesas pessoais.
- Almoço opcional sem bebidas. Adquira-o clicando em “Adicionar extras opcionais” no passo 1, ao inserir a sua reserva.
- eSIM com acesso à internet
Recolha no hotel
Recolha no seu hotel ou no ponto mais próximo. No passo 1 de 3 ao inserir sua reserva, indicaremos o ponto de retirada de acordo com o local onde você está hospedado.
Esta excursão dura um dia inteiro, aproximadamente 10 horas.
Quando reservar?
Greca tem lugares próprios, mas recomendamos sempre reservar com a maior antecedência possível para garantir a disponibilidade.
Forma de pagamento
A Greca não cobra para garantir ou confirmar sua reserva. A reserva pode ser paga com cartões.
Cancelamentos e/ou modificações
Qualquer cancelamento ou modificação informado por telefone ou e-mail com 48 horas de antecedência será processado gratuitamente. Se desejar alterar a data, verifique se a mesma está operacional no dia desejado.
Prova - Voucher
Assim que a reserva for efetuada, você receberá um e-mail com o número da reserva ou recibo. Não são necessários vouchers para embarcar na excursão.
Como fazer a reserva?
Para reservar basta inserir a data desejada, número de viajantes e seguir 3 passos simples. Assim que o processo de reserva estiver concluído, você receberá um e-mail de confirmação de nossos agentes confirmando todos os detalhes!
Lembre-se que as crianças e jovens até aos 25 anos de países da UE e as crianças até aos 5 anos de países terceiros têm direito à entrada gratuita em sítios arqueológicos; enquanto as crianças e jovens entre os 6 e os 25 anos, provenientes de países terceiros, têm direito a uma redução de 50% nos seus bilhetes de 1 de abril a 31 de outubro. A gestão dos ingressos é pessoal, apresentando o passaporte na bilheteria do local/museu para verificar sua idade e país de origem. Os preços dos ingressos variam entre as temporadas de inverno e verão.
Outras Viagens Sugeridas
O que outros viageiros dizem sobre nós
Excelente proposta
100% recomendável. Pessoas que sabem o que fazem e que, principalmente, gostam do que fazem. Alternativa muito boa para pessoas que falam espanhol.
Apoiados pelo

Agência Oficial sob licença autorizada N° 0261E70000817700
Premiado pelo quinto ano consecutivo por nossos serviços confiáveis e de qualidade por milhares de viajantes todos os anos.

Membros da Câmara de Comércio sob registo: Greca Travel.

De 18 a 22 de Janeiro, Madrid, Espanha. Pavilhão 4, Stand 4C13.

Melhor empresa de viagens online (Região / Nível do Continente)

Vencedores dos prêmios Travel & Hospitality 2021